Sunday, October 5, 2014

3 Questions

What tasks have you accomplished?

I  can finally not throw up everything I eat after TWO WEEKS of being sick! YAY! I love food, especially when it doesn't come back up... I finally went to the gym and worked out, it helps reduce my stress tremendously, and I defiantly need a stress reliever. I finally had the time to learn all my lines from theatre which I did in about twenty minutes on Friday when I was suppose to have them memorized on Monday, but life happens.

What have you learned recently?
I have learned about wavelengths,  energy, and frequency, and how to find them.  I learned that water is the most essential and crucial nutrient for humans, I knew it was essential for overall health but I didn't know what a huge role it plays in the human body, its the major component of our blood. I also learned that I'm just one person and I cannot do everything humanly possible...

What do you plan on doing next?
I'm still in the process of finishing all of my homework for chemistry, trigonometry, and my personal health and wellness class at NMSU, my goal is to finish it all by tonight. I plan to study for the ACT EVRYDAY, which is on the same day of Theatre's state competition. I also plan to work on my solo musical piece for theatre as much as possible and place at state this year, and work on my college audition pieces as well; my goodness there's so much to do this month! Most importantly watch my health its the most important thing to worry about I can't do everything I need to do if my health is not good. Here's how I plan to deal with stress
(Just kidding!)
Just because.....


Flame Test Lab

*Can you distinguish between elements?  How?  (i.e., What observations did you make?  What are your results?)
You can distinguish between elements because each element had a different flame color.

Element:          Li             Na            K            Ca                Sr        Ba            Cu
 Color:         Hot Pink      Orange    Purple     Red/orange   Red      Yellow     Green

*Could you identify the unknown?  What was it?  How do you know?
The unknown flame could be identified because of it's color not two elements had the same color. Unknown #1 was Li because of its hot pink flame; Unknown #2 was K because of its purple flame.

*Watch this YouTube video of cesium's flame test.  Based on what you observed, can cesium's flame be a different color?  Why or why not?
Based on the YouTube video, no cesium's flame color cannot be a different color, because each element has its own color to distinguish it from others, it will always be a blue-violet flame, just as potassium will always be a violet flame, Lithium will always be hot pink, etc.
*In terms of the law of conservation of energy, what exactly is gaining energy and what is losing energy?
When the element touched the flame it gained energy by absorbing it, then the energy gained is released which produces photons.
 *Why do elements produce colored flames?
Because each photon has a different amount of energy, the different amounts of energy are what causes the different colors of flames.
